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EU-China Environmental Governance Programme

    Funded by the European Union and led by ACEF, the EU-China Environmental Governance Programme -- Local Partnership Project entitled “Improving Access to Environmental Justice to Protect People’s Environmental Rights in Guizhou Province” (referred to as EGP-Guizhou Project) was launched in Guiyang in November 2012. Based on EU’s environmental governance policies and experience, ACEF aimed at improving Guizhou Province’s access to environmental justice, protecting the public’s environmental rights, and contributing to the improvement of China’s environmental governance. The relevant results were submitted to Guizhou government, Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant institutions, and won the title of “Excellent Local Partnership Project”.
    (This English version is for your reference only.In case any discrepancy exists between the Chinese and English context, the Chinese version shall prevail.)